Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Are You on Craig's List?

Are You on Craig's List?: "Craig Newmark has organized a community whose members include some of the Web's most influential people. Here is his manual for (virtual) community organizers."

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Welcome to the inaugural post on our blog

For over 8 years, I have been looking for a way to live out "blessed to be a blessing". Fresh out of the USAF, without any entrepreneurial experience, the school of hard knocks knocked hard.

I started as a missionary slash entrepreneur doing English classes, Christian weddings, and translation work to make ends meet in a foreign country with a cost of living at least twice that of Houston's.

My only ties to entrepreneurial endeavors at that point lay in my relationship with my mother. In 1989, she started her first business with me as her first employee. Back then, although PCs had some use most of the work was manual and labor intensive.

So, when I started these "businesses" in order to make ends meet, my eyes opened slowly to a world that we aren't introduced to at all in school. We grew up in the school system taught to get good grades, to get a good job, so that you could work for the man and retire. However, business success, business start-up, financial smarts, and the like never get spoken about much less taught in our socialistic dictatorships called public school.

I have since then participated in many different businesses. But, since my kids are still small and I am still their superman, I need to be home for them and my wife. So, in the back of my mind I knew there had to be some home business opportunities out there.

Of course, I tried the "normal" ones. However, the reality is that normal people aren't supposed to succeed in the vast majority of compensation plans out there for home business owners. So, I ended up an IT consultant with tons of experience looking at compensation plans that didn't work. I found some amazingly innovative ideas along the way and even consulted a company or two on implementing similar plans for their sales forces.

I guess more than anything this post is a confessional seeking atonement for the bodies I littered the highway of home businesses along my path to "enlightenment". I really was ignorant to their pain because I was so concentrated on finding a solution that worked for me.

Praise the Lord for seeing me through all of this. I know that He has a purpose to prosper me not to increase my standard of living but to make abundant my standard of giving into His kingdom.

I am certain that in the quest to find it I found the most lacking to be good Christian mentoring from successful millionaires. I had even sought to find them on my own, but they didn't have the time for one-on-one help. Then I was introduced to a company with the same vision. I knew immediately that I wanted what they had.

Eric Standlee