Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Paul Doing What God Purposed

Looking at the life of Paul, we see at least two distinct parts of his life. We see the more obvious spiritual side, but we are also introduced to the work side of his life.

Which do you think was Paul's purpose:

Boldly sharing the Good News with every people group to whom God directs my path.

-= OR =-

Designing, Sourcing, Prototyping and Manufacturing small, medium, large and specialty tents.

Paul's purpose in life that God whispered into his soul before he was born is the first and not the last of those to example purpose statements. Yet, he did a very good job building tents apparently. In his life, he didn't fulfill his purpose only through his work. That is not to say that in God's Kingdom purposes are only filled outside of work, but it does give you something to think about, doesn't it?

I learned alot about being "on-purpose" as Kevin McCarthy calls it from the book he wrote called the On-Purpose Person. It is a fable about a spiritual journey of a pilgrim being introduced to the idea of being On-Purpose and then learning how to discover what that God-whispered purpose was. I thoroughly recommend Kevin's books and training. It is life changing and has remade our family-owned company. I can honestly say that we are On-Purpose and that has played a major role in our company growing to $200 Million.

Thanks Kevin for being obedient to God and publishing this foundational work.

Eric Standlee

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Travel Cheap - New Power Search Site Recommended

I just found this new Power Search site and it rocks! Save time and money.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Say it Better: The Art of Naming: How to Make it Positively Stand Out

Naming a new product or service or renaming an old one?
Say it Better: The Art of Naming: How to Make it Positively Stand Out
Guy Kawasaki twittered this and I agree it is a great base article on the subject.

Eric Stadlee