Monday, March 06, 2006

Don't buy mulch before you read this.

If you use mulch around your house be very careful about buying mulch
this year. After the Hurricane in New Orleans many trees were blown over. These trees were then turned into mulch and the state is trying to get rid of tons and tons of this
mulch to any state or company who will come and haul it away. So it will be showing up in Home Depot and Lowes at dirt cheap prices with one huge problem; Formosan Termites will be the bonus in many of those bags. New Orleans is one of the few areas in the country were the Formosan Termites has gotten a strong hold and most of the trees blown down were already badly infested with those termites. Now we may have the worst case of transporting a problem to all parts of the country that we have ever had. These termites can eat a house in no time at all and we have no good control against
them, so tell your friends that own homes to avoid cheap mulch and know were it came from.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Consumers paid an estimated $54.9 million more over five months, according to the analysis.

I hear a Great BIG "I TOLD YOU SO" coming with this one. When will we ever learn? | News | /2006/03/05/
A NEW state study suggests an average household might have paid up to $65 more for gasoline in Hawaii from September through January as a result of the state's wholesale gasoline price caps.